Invest in yourself

The simplest and most convenient investment we all overlook is ourselves, and quite often because we assume that the process itself isn't worth the "efforts" even though the returns might be.

Everyone has different priorities in life, structure and academic//corporate excellence isn't what we all strive for. But given that you are reading this here, lets assume that you hope for excellence in the business world. The very first step is to acquire knowledge, from anywhere and everywhere you can. Books aren't everyone’s cup of tea, and thanks to technology, there are now a lot more ways of learning and understanding. Although, a common practice is to read the autobiographies and books authored by famous businessmen and billionaires (feel free to download audiobooks//podcasts too).

And with that aside, most of the things you could do now is with changing your lifestyle. Surrounding yourself with company you get inspired by, having a mentor or someone you look up to who could guide you, developing productive hobbies, eating and living healthy, managing both your time and money efficiently are some of the best ways to further your investment.

Investing in yourself is not a one time thing, its a lifetime of decisions.

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