SEM Bounce Rate

Bounce rate is a metric measuring the percentage of users who land on your website but do nothing on the page they entered. A high bounce rate means visitors come to your site, but don’t find anything interesting or it wasn’t what they expected. SEMrush’s report found that "49 percent is the bounce rate for the domains ranking within [the] top three."

To determine why you may have a high bounce rate, first, you need to self-analyze. Is your page easy to navigate? When users click on your ads, does your page meet their expectations? Are users exiting when they’re on a page with a pop-up? Are your keywords relevant to your site?

Understanding exactly where your page falls short allows you to create a specific plan of action to help decrease bounce rates. Additionally, considering the importance of smartphones today, investing in making your entire website mobile-friendly can help increase ease-of-use and may even entice more users to stay on your pages.

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